
Stay Home, Stay Safe during this quarantine.
Stay Home, Stay Safe during this quarantine.
Aumbray Now Help you to get Your Grocery
Aumbray Now Help you to get Your Grocery
Now You Can order any Grocery Item through Whatsapp or You can Call us. You will get Your Ordered Product at Your Doorstep.

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Quick Service



Fast Delivary

We take care of your Items with fast and efficient delivary team.


We have a Dedicated team, who are professionals and knowledge in marketting. that makes our company more productive.


The Entire process is so well designed that we hardly miss any of your orders. the process is established with the diedicated work team and whats app technology to handle all trafic that is drawn towards us.


Aumbray has very dedicated support for any type of situations towards customer. we have fast backend support that enables us to rectify problematic situations.